community work

hope for heidedal

Welcome to Die Lighuis Heidedal, a beacon of hope and transformation in the heart of Bloemfontein’s Heidedal township. As a non-profit organization with a Christian ethos, we are committed to making a real difference in the lives of the community members we serve. Our mission is to uplift, empower, and inspire, creating a safe and thriving environment for everyone.

Our Vision

We envision a Heidedal where the warmth of compassion, the strength of unity, and the light of opportunity shine brightly. We strive for a community where families are supported, individuals are empowered, and children grow up with a sense of pride and belonging.

Mission Statement

At Die Lighuis Heidedal, our mission is clear: to address the challenges that have hindered the progress of our community for far too long. We stand united against unemployment, poverty, substance abuse, and social hardships. Through dedicated programs and services, we aim to uplift individuals and families, paving the way for a brighter future.

Understanding Heidedal

Heidedal, nestled within the Free State province, faces its share of challenges. High unemployment rates, especially among women, coupled with issues like substance abuse and teenage pregnancy, have cast shadows over our community. We are determined to replace these shadows with rays of hope and transformation.

Our Programs and Services

At Die Lighuis Heidedal, we roll up our sleeves and get to work, offering an array of programs designed to empower and uplift:

  1. Kids Clubs:
    Nurturing young minds through Sunday School and Youth Nights, fostering positive growth and learning.
  2. Cultural Expression:
    Embracing the richness of our heritage through music, dance, and cultural events, fostering pride and identity.
  3. Feeding Scheme:
    Ensuring no one goes to bed hungry, especially our children, by providing nutritious meals.
  4. Crèche:
    Creating a safe and nurturing space for young children to learn and grow.
  5. After School Care:
    Supporting students with homework assistance and reading programs, building a strong foundation for education.
  6. Sports:
    Promoting physical well-being, teamwork, and a healthy lifestyle through sports activities.
  7. Mother Support Groups:
    Offering a platform for mothers to connect, share, and support each other while staying active.
  8. Skills Development:
    Equipping community members with skills and knowledge for better job opportunities and livelihoods.
  9. Social Worker:
    Providing professional support and guidance to those in need.

Contact Us

Address: 36 Konstantyn Street, Heidedal, Bloemfontein, 9306 Email: Facebook: NPO Registration: Reg No | 247-687 NPO PBO Registration: 930072281 PBO

At Die Lighuis Heidedal, we believe that change starts from within our community. By working hand in hand, we can transform challenges into opportunities, despair into hope, and darkness into light. Join us on this journey towards a brighter, empowered Heidedal. Together, we can make a lasting impact and shape a prosperous future for all.

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